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Business Development: LAUNCH


You’re ready to launch. How do you spread the word? Marketing will be key. Be sure advertising is included in your budget. Choose avenues that can target the audience you need to reach. Customers and clients get their information on various platforms. Consider the most effective in terms of reach and cost for you:

  • Print – Newspapers, Magazines, Specialty Publications
  • Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, You Tube (Be sure to join as a business, not an individual)
  • Broadcast – TV, Radio
  • Electronic Newsletters – Targeted to your own email list
  • Website – A central online resource that can be found by search engines looking for the product or service you offer

Small Business Development Center of Alabama can help with webinars and counseling at: Alabama SBDC Network | Alabama Small Business Development Center

Here’s an example: SBDC Survival Series #4: Marketing & Branding Strategies – YouTube

Chambers of Commerce are helpful in promoting your business as well. They hold ribbon cuttings to help spread the word about your opening. They also promote your business through electronic newletters, networking events and social media.

See what benefits they offer. Consider joining your Chamber for a sizable return on a relatively small investment.

Here are the Chambers serving St. Clair County: